7 Excuses You Can STOP Using To Avoid Losing Weight

If you’ve told yourself, over and over again, that you don’t have the time, energy or willpower to lose weight, this article was written for you. I’m sharing the top seven excuses people make with their mindset when it comes to losing weight. I’m pe…

7 Excuses You Can STOP Using To Avoid Losing Weight

You sit around, daydreaming of losing weight; however, you can come up with several reasons you can't make it happen. You're too busy. You are too tired. You work long hours. Your kids have you running around nonstop. The list goes on and on. There's no way you could really do it, or can you?

We all procrastinate with certain things in our lives, and exercising can be at the very top. It takes commitment. It takes willpower and motivation, none of which you feel you have. Life can be hard, and trying to fit more on your daily schedule can seem impossible. From money to time, there are lots of reasons why you convince yourself that you're not capable of losing weight. I'm here to show you how to overcome these excuses and start losing weight once and for all.


If I had a dollar for every time someone said this to me, I'd be living in my dream beach house in Florida. Of course, you're busy. We're all busy. From kids, to house chores, to work, and everything else in between, we're all running a race. When the alarm goes off, you can feel your heart rate rise, and the stress of the day hitting you right in the face. It's all you can do to get to where you need, on time.

I want you to look at your day differently. You're not going to find the time to exercise magically, just like you don't have extra time during the week to lay around on the couch. We are all busy, and finding the time to exercise our bodies requires dedication and commitment. You have to prioritize certain things in your life to get the body you want. More importantly, your health depends on you making the time to do self-care.

You don't have to commit to hours of exercising every week. Depending on your goals and the time frame you wish to accomplish them, you need to start slow. If you decide to do too much, you'll never stick with it, and you'll walk away feeling like you failed or that you're not capable of reaching your goals. Not at all true! You have to find balance, with both your fitness goals and personal life.

Start with a goal of getting three hours a week of exercise. It doesn't sound too hard when you break it down into small increments. Put these times and days into your planner, just like you make any other appointments. You need to treat your exercise time exactly how you treat any other commitment you have. Your making appointments to show up for yourself and your well-being.


I have had many friends that have admitted to me that they despise working out. They find it annoying, hard, and overwhelming. They don't know what to do, how to do it, and the times they've tried it, they were bored or miserable. I get it. I've been there before myself, back at the beginning of my fitness journey.

So how is it some people fall into a fitness life while others cannot find their way at all with losing weight? It's the difference between finding the parts of fitness that you love, and avoiding the parts you hate. I detest running long distances. If that were the only way to get fit, I would've never transformed my body. I would've failed miserably.

I had to find ways to get fit without living in misery. I love to lift weights, while others love to run. I don't like group fitness classes, while others can't imagine working out alone. It's all in what you prefer and want. You have to allow yourself to try different ways of getting fit and find what works best for you. There is no right or wrong way to lose weight, as long as you're doing it safely.

Be willing to try different things. If you absolutely hate to exercise, then I would suggest that you begin with walking, hiking or swimming. Think of things you do for fun, that moves your body, and start there. If you don't mind going for walks, then go with that. Aim to walk a little bit more or take the hills a little more often. Once you get into a scheduled rhythm of walking daily, begin to attempt different things. Maybe jog for a few minutes during your walk. Get creative, and slowly add ways to get that heart rate up and the body losing weight. Once you begin seeing and feeling results, you'll be more motivated to attempt new things.


I will say that "organic" whole foods tend to be more expensive, but I want you to remember one thing. Your health is well worth the money you spend. I always remind clients that their food bill will feel better than the medical bills they will incur with an unhealthy body that requires medical procedures.

However, there are ways to get around spending a ton of money at the grocery store, buying healthy foods that help you with weight loss. Buy in bulk. I like to purchase an entire chicken so I can get several meals throughout the week from the one chicken. Canned foods are a cheap option for your veggies, but be sure to opt for the lower sodium ones.

You don't have to buy organic to eat healthily. Choose what fits your budget. Shop at the local farmers market for your fruits and veggies. Local meat stores are popping up everywhere where you can find leaner meats at less of a price tag, and you're helping out your local farmers, so it's a win-win.

Breakfast foods can be a cheaper option than most dinners, so I do a few breakfast meals for dinner a couple of times a week. Who doesn't love breakfast foods? Oatmeal, eggs, and pancakes (healthy ones) are an excellent option for dinner at a much lower price tag. Be creative with your meals, and you'll be surprised how inexpensive eating a well-balanced diet can be.

Look for coupons and weekly deals your grocery store offers. Your health is a top priority, and spending a little time adjusting your budget to allow you to lose weight will be well worth it. You'd rather spend money to look and feel better than being sick and drowning in medical bill debt!


When you're trying to lose weight, you probably assume you need a gym membership to see real results. This couldn't be further from the truth. While having a gym membership does help with following a plan, it does not mean you can't get the same results from the comforts of your own home.

You can quickly transform your body by just using your body weight. Dozens of exercises can be done with zero equipment. From squats to lunges, push-ups, and jumping jacks, you have many ways to burn fat and sculpt your body with just a yoga mat. If you feel like you need something to use, purchase an adjustable set of dumbbells. One set of dumbbells that with a twist you can increase and decrease your weight amounts. Jump ropes, exercise balls, and aerobic steps can all be purchased, even at yard sales!

You can save these items to add to your Christmas wish list. Our loved ones love when we have specific things we need and will use. A gym membership could also be a gift that you will use year-round. Get creative and be willing to workout without a gym if it doesn't fit into your budget. Not having a gym membership should not hold you back from reaching your weight loss goals.

Like I said above, get outdoors. Walking, hiking, swimming, jogging, skiing, whatever works your body, and you enjoy! All of these can be done with little or no money. Head to a local track and use the bleachers as a way to burn fat, sculpt your legs and bootie, and keep you energized and motivated. The possibilities are endless; it just takes you to find the determination and dedication to making things happen.


Having a friend or loved one around to help you on your journey to lose weight can be a double-edged sword. Having a workout buddy can help you tremendously or derail you from all of your goals. So if you're struggling with finding the motivation to lose weight because you think you need a partner to join you on this venture, relax. I'll explain it.

It seems beneficial to have someone to lean on when you're working towards a goal. However, it usually doesn't work out the way we'd hoped. Friends are great to help you along, but if they're not as motivated and determined as you are, they can easily drag you down, and quickly have you losing sight of your ultimate goals.

From not showing up on time or not showing up at all, you should always learn how to keep chugging along with or without your partner. If you have a planned workout time, and they fail to show up, you cannot feed off of their lack of motivation. If you do, you'll soon find yourself not showing up to exercise.

I highly recommend you beginning your workout plan by yourself, and ask friends to join you only after you've developed a habit of showing up for every workout. Once you've established a rhythm of an exercise regimen, that you can't stand to miss, you're safe to ask others to come along. You'll be confident knowing that if they fade out, you'll still have the willpower to keep moving forward, and hitting your goals.

If you're sure, you need a partner to get your weight loss started, set the ground rules before you even begin. Determine the time, days, and location of your workouts and nicely explain that you're going to do this, no matter if they are or not. Some friends become resentful once they quit, and you don't follow. Jealousy creeps in, and before you know it, they are becoming distant from you. I speak from experience, so think it all out before thinking you need a workout buddy. It isn't always what it's cracked up to be.

If you’ve started diets and fitness routines only to end up derailed and frustrated, and back to square one, then you may be relying on excuses that hold you back from succeeding. As a personal trainer and gym owner for over a decade, here’s a list …


Listen, we all have aches and pains, but what you might not realize is, the more sedative we are, the more pain we are inflicting on our bodies. Sure, some injuries will hold you back from hitting an exercise regimen the way you'd hoped. There are a million exercises for every body part, some of which would cause no harm to your current injury, and may very well help your injury heal.

Consult your physician before taking on any exercise plan, especially if you're currently experiencing an injury that requires surgery or therapy. They most likely will encourage your desire to exercise. You may need to begin your weight loss journey with an experienced, well-qualified trainer to show you what to do and what not to do and how to perform the exercise correctly, preventing you from further injury. You must do your homework, and not sign up with just any trainer.

Most injuries are ok with the simple act of walking. Walking can strengthen your body and help you overcome your injuries. Laying around will never better your body's current status, as our bodies need to work, move, and sweat. You want to maintain your muscle mass, and keeping active is the only way you can do so. Start slow, but start. Take note of how your body feels following your exercises. If you need, begin physical therapy and ask your therapist for an exercise routine, you can follow to help heal your body.


You're certainly not alone with the constant on and off trying to lose weight. Changing your body for the better is not easy, and it takes consistent work. However, when broken down into bite-size pieces, you'll find that it's a lot easier to conquer than you once thought.

If you've started an exercise regimen, only to quit after a few short weeks, you probably took on too much when you first started. If you started with exercising a lot, a super strict diet, and avoiding all the foods you crave and love, you went at it wrong. No one can sustain a weight loss plan that is this grueling. You have to be realistic and follow a balanced program, or else you'll be miserable.

You have to allow yourself time to grow into your new fitness lifestyle. You're not going to begin being perfect, and that's ok. Your body needs time to adjust to your new routine as well. Go into knowing that it takes time, but with a little bit of patience and a whole lot of consistency, you're more than capable of sticking with it.

If I have a client that has struggled with sticking to their weight loss goals in the past, I start them out with exercising only, no dieting. I encourage them to get the feel of exercising a few times a week for about a month before adding a diet plan. Taking on both can be overwhelming and daunting! You might be thinking that there's no way you'd reach your goals if you only did one or the other. If you can't stick with both, and you end up quitting altogether, then there is no way you'd reach your goals.

I'd instead want you to learn how to do things consistently before adding another entity to your routine. Get the exercise part down first, then add the dieting plan. You'll feel so much better taking these steps than taking everything on at once. So many fall prey to jumping in with both feet only to find the lack of motivation and willpower a few weeks later.

Now that we've gone over the most common excuses that people use to avoid getting the body they want, you should feel ready to tackle your weight loss goals. You can do anything you desire as long as you get out of your head and make things happen. Excuses are simply things we tell ourselves, that deep down inside, we know aren't real. Of course, you're busy. Tired? I get it. Getting our dream bodies takes work, but not quite the work we try to avoid with endless excuses.

Small steps, in the right direction, will lead us to where we want to be. You need to sit down and write out your goals and decide how you're going to go about achieving every one of them. Don't overwhelm yourself with endless hours of exercise or starving yourself with an extreme diet. You won't be able to keep this up, as no one could. Find a delicate balance, and I promise you, you'll get the body you want. Put the excuses out of your head and replace them with how you're going to achieve them. One day at a time, one goal at a time.

If you need some fun, simple ways to keep you on track and inspired, please sign up below to be on the inside loop of tricks and tools to fast track you to all of your goals. I'd love to be a guiding light on your path too greatness.

Aimee Schwinabart is the founder of The Purely Fit, the home of fast efficient online fitness plans that can be customized with personalized nutrition plans and accountability coaching.

Aimee Schwinabart is the founder of The Purely Fit—online workouts, nutrition, and fitness coaching that actually work! She specializes in short (super effective) daily workouts combined with customized nutrition plans to help real people shed excess fat to reveal toned, lean muscles. The Purely Fit approach to looking and feeling great prioritizes small, steady, super efficient workouts and nutrition upgrades to help you stay with it once and for all!
